Friday, November 29, 2024

Post #9

 Most fleets start with the 'first one' and the number builds from there. My initial tramcar fleet of eight cars has increased rapidly when I sighted a Facebook Market place ad for 'ten tramcars' but what was the most remarkable thing was the price of $50. From what I have read these models were from a deceased estate and I can understand the person doing the selling wants to clear the decks as soon as possible. There was only one picture with various scratch built and modified cars but the one that was at the front of the picture was a Brill sprinkler car. I currently have a 'gold' one included with my initial eight car haul.

This was the Market place ad I saw.
This has quickly doubled my fleet of sprinklers and more importantly this one still goes. The only trouble is that the trolley pole needs to be replaced. 

The two yellow ones in the back row appear to be someones attempt to model a freelance electric railway. The third yellow one in the second back row seems to be a Rivarossi model but is only a trailer.

Two Birney cars

There were also two Birney cars which I think are brass models. Both are fitted with some sort of motor bogie that appears to be on the small side, but at least they go.

I am not sure the origin of these two remaining models but the left hand one appears to have pinched the bogie from one of the Birneys, and as this was one type of model I wanted it may require a bogie transplant in the future.

The sprinkler and model of Victorian SEC car
At least the sprinkler model was painted in green. I think I would be correct if I said all of the brass rolling stock were released as DC only models. They were pre DCC and will now require decoders to be fitted to be able to operate on my planned layout. But ironically these model trams seem to have an 'inbuilt' sound decoder which just turns out to be the gears and motor. A bit different when you are modelling a steam and diesel railway, but with the brilliant sound decoders available now why would you miss out? Fitting of DCC is a bit further down the track in my plans I only hope that they make suitable 'tram sound' decoders. The sound of the gong is very prominent.

I will need to obtain some trolley poles for the trams I need to operate from the States, at least they are still available.

So for a $50 outlay I think I have scored well.


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